14 Dec 2023 1:05 PM

Value of water

There is a saying that "Thousands have lived without love, but not one without water," if clearly indicates the fact that water, above all, is the only source through which functions and forms all units that exist on this earth.

There are seven planets in our solar system, yet, only one supports life. (i.e. earth). Therefore, in my opinion, it's safe to say that water is the only reason behind earth being the only planet to support life. Nature has endowed the world with great unique beastliness, among them all, water is the best gift, if is the most essential resource of the world.

Almost two-third of the earth's surface is filled with watches, but 97% of it is not fit for human consumption, yet 3% has it all for the consumption of oneself. It is limited, though it's enormous and abundant, it is also used in many other ways that undergo humans, plants and all living creatures, its usefulness is beyond our explanation.

The Earth only will function with the presence of water and there, if there wasn't any water on this earth, the greeneries we see will all turn into barren lands and would end up in an endless summer with no more seasons felt left. Henceforth, water is also known as the given of life. On the other hand, the human race would end up without the existence of water, the same can be faced by aquatic life of undergoes such dreadful times for it is their habitat, their birthplace, without its abundant offerings, an aquatic life of animals ranking from small insect to the biggest whale well also starve the same, if is also firmed as the key to a happy and healthier life.

Moreover, when we talk about our personal lives, we consumers a lot more than what we expect. Almost 60% of our body is made up of water and overall, we won't be able to live for three to five days without water, As the saying goes, There is plenty of water in the universe without life, but nowhere is there life without water" indicates that though there are plentiful of resources in this universe, water is still its necessity.

Also, the Emergence of life based on agriculture, industries and manufacturing’s also consumes a large deal of water for its functioning’s like our body needs if for our day-to-day life's processes. You might have heard the scenario of water depleted countries like Africa where people lead a very miserable life, but we still keep on wasting it, we are never to understand the real importance of water unless we are to face the scare of it. As mentioned, if the world and you and I don't work for the conservation of water, then the world we thank now is safe will suffer is affricate demise then we can even imagine of.

In instance, the Ganga River of India, which is also considered as the holy river, is now of the worst of its pollution, people contaminate it with every garbage’s possible, they don't realise that future generations will suffer from what they do in the present. Nevertheless, we have celebrated the 22nd of March as World Water Day since 1993 for the importance and to spread the usefulness of water, if was first formed to celebrate by the United States.

Besides all odds in life, water tends to be the most and the more important resources. Life without water is impossible, it's hard to believe, but the water present today on this earth is the same 5 billion years ago. Its own duty to save on destroy of after nature has gifted us with everything possible. Therefore, we need to pledge on the usefulness of if as the generations will hear its melancholy cry. Remember, No Water. No life. No blue. No green.

Name- Romathang.
Class -X